Garreteer Guide UK: Week Commencing 1 June 2014

Introduction: The Garreteer Guide is intended as a weekly list of “Third Programme” level art and literature events taking place in UK towns and cities, on BBC radio, and online. If you are organizing an event, especially if you are doing so outside the main urban centres, please let me know on and it will…

Garreteer Best Books on… Learning to Draw

It’s because drawing is like singing – something that, if you number yourself amongst those who can’t do it, you feel a bereavement. A bereavement that only self-deprecating humour can offset: you don’t want to hear me sing. Or, from a darker place, the oblique suggestion that the nice people, the likeable ones, can’t sing:…

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Real Fast Food: The Cookbook You Should Buy First

By James Hamilton In the end, I was in my twenties before two Italians taught me to cook, over a long Easter in a mansion flat high over Wimbledon Common. Little wonder really: as a boy, I’d never really been all that welcome in the kitchen. And an English Sunday dinner, with its roasts and…